NEW! Affiliate Categories

At the November 14, 2019 Board of Directors Meeting, the following had been approved as categories of Affiliates of NAFV. These affiliates can avail themselves of most of the benefits of full membership but without voting rights.
See below for the specifics of each affiliate categories:
NAFV Affiliate status. affiliates will not vote in elections nor have access to agency consultations. Affiliates may be dropped from the rolls under Article X, Section 3, and former members may be reinstated to active membership under Article X, Section 4.
1) City, State, County or Territorial Affiliate | $75/year. Any public health or regulatory veterinarian who is employed by a State, city, county or tribal government is eligible to become a State affiliate of the organization upon payment of prescribed dues, authorization for payroll deduction if available or direct electronic transfer. State Affiliates will have access to active member benefits including NAFV website access, FEDS, webinars and member discounts.
2) University Affiliate | $2,500/year. Any school of veterinary medicine is eligible to become a University affiliate of the organization upon payment of prescribed dues. University affiliates are provided one faculty member affiliate status free and all students enrolled in their academic programs leading to a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or similar degree. The University agrees to validate a student's enrollment when they apply for Student University Affiliate status. University Affiliates have access to the NAFV website, networking with active members, webinars and discount program.
2.a) University Affiliate Student | Free. Any students enrolled in a University Affiliate’s academic program leading to a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or similar degree. Student University Affiliates have access to the NAFV website, networking with active members, webinars, and discount program.
- Tuskegee University
2b) Student Affiliate | $10/year. Students enrolled in a school of veterinary medicine leading to the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or similar degree but is not enrolled in a University Affiliate school. Student affiliates may also be graduate veterinarians enrolled in advanced studies such as MS, PhD or MPH for example. Students become affiliates of the organization upon payment of prescribed dues. Affiliate members have access to the NAFV website, networking with active members, webinars and discount program.
2c) Student Pathways Scholar Affiliate | Free. Any student enrolled in a Federal Agency approved pathways program such as the Gibson, Malek or Wilson scholarship programs. SPS Affiliates may have access to all active member benefits (including FEDS, webinars and member discounts).
3) Transitioning Veterinarian Affiliate | $25/year - Any private practice or non-public practice veterinarian interested in joining the public practice ranks can join to receive member newsletter, access to job posting, participate in forum discussions and network with other active members to learn more about the possibilities of a public practice careers.