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the national association of federal veterinarians

Unsung Veterinarian Award



Daniel E. Salomon Award

Dr. Daniel E. Salmon Award






Daniel E. Salomon

Dr. Salmon earned the first DVM in the U.S. and was Chief of USDA’s Bureau of Animal Industries

The Dr. Daniel E. Salmon Award is presented annually to recognize outstanding contributions and notable service in the public’s interest by a veterinarian federally employed in any human health, environmental health, or animal health discipline. This award was established to honor the first director of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Animal Industry in its centennial year — 1984. Dr. Daniel E. Salmon was a world-renowned veterinary medical scientist who pioneered research in bacterial diseases of animals and immunology. His efforts led to the development of killed vaccines, and to the naming of the bacterial genus Salmonella in his honor. His work contributed immeasurably to improving the public’s health and to disease control efforts in general. It is hoped that this award will encourage veterinarians to continue excellence in their performance and to aspire for public service as a lifelong career.


How Often is this Award Presented?

One award may be given yearly to worthy nominees. The award consists of a plaque and an honorarium of $500.00. This award is supported by the National Association of Federal Veterinarians. This award will be presented at the annual Department of Agriculture Honor Awards, usually in October. 


Dr. Daniel E. Salmon Award
For Exemplary Achievement in Federal Veterinary Medicine


Eligibility Criteria

The nominee must be a veterinarian who is a career employee of the federal government with at least five (5) years of service as of December 31st of the current year. No more than one (1) nomination per 400 (or portion thereof) veterinarians employed may be submitted by an agency within any federal department.


Performance Criteria

The nominee must have demonstrated sustained significant contributions over a period of five (5) years or more in federal programs involving public health, consumer protection, or animal health and welfare while serving in any preventive medicine, regulatory, research, or environmental health position. The significant contributions must have been from resourcefulness and skill in the application of veterinary medical sciences in implementing new programs or in carrying out existing programs of any federal agency. Said performance should have been at a level of excellence well above the norm, i.e., those who have gone the ‘extra mile.”


Information Requested

Please send the electronic version of the nomination form to NAFV National Office. Exhibit materials can be attached and all the basic information requested below must be included with the nomination letter.  


  1. Name, title and grade/rank (as of January 1st, of the current year) of nominee.
  2. Bureau, agency or corps and department.
  3. Home address and email address of nominee.
  4. Educational background and awards or commendations received during nominee’s federal employment.
  5. Give a brief description of nominee’s present grade, duties and responsibilities including the scope of work, its complexity and overall responsibilities for varied programs and supervision.
  6. Give a brief chronological outline of previous positions held indicating scope of duties and responsibilities.
  7. State the reasoning, using specific examples, that shows the nominee has made sustained significant contributions involving public health, consumer protection, preventive medicine, animal health or animal welfare while serving as a federal employee. These examples must show resourcefulness, skill and dedication in applying the broad knowledge of veterinary sciences. Rather than just listing accomplishments, explain the significance of their contributions to communities, to programs, to science or to preventive medicine.
  8. Please also submit the suggested wording (in 35 words or less) of a proposed citation to be included on the award plaque.


The recommendation must be signed by the head of the agency or his/her representative.  All nominations to be eligible for that years award must be received no later than August 30 of that year .   


How to Submit a Nomination:
Click above  for the  nomination  form.  Nominations can be submitted to via w-mail: 



The nomination letter must be single-spaced, and with a new subject paragraph double spaced. A special “Dr. Daniel E. Salmon Award Committee” of distinguished government officials and private citizens is named each year by the President of the National Association of Federal Veterinarians.

Additional information regarding this announcement may be obtained from NAFV National Office: or 202-223-4878




This fillable nomination form forms an easy guide to evaluating a nominee and keeping the necessary information in an organized manner.  


The Unsung Veterinarian award recognizes federal veterinarians who have positively influenced a program or organization from behind the scenes with a positive attitude, a willingness to help in whatever capacity necessary, and a commitment to excellence. The Unsung Veterinarian Award is presented to an individual who performed their job in an extraordinary manner; who has made a substantive yet unrecognized contribution to his/her organization, public health,or society as a whole. The award is broad in its reach and by design meant to recognize those not usually recognized through traditional awards criteria. The nominee must have contributed behind the scenes with their skill, time, and effort towards furthering the vision, mission and strategy of the agency and/or NAFV. Nominations must be submitted by NAFV members.  Those chosen are special people who go out of their way to improve procedures or help their fellow peers without expecting extra pay, praise, or recognition.


Nominations must contain the following information: 

• Agencies name

• Nominator’s name

• Nominee’s name

• Grade/Rank

• Title

• Class year and University

• Date


To  be nominated, please provide a detailed description explaining the answers to the following questions:

• What has this person done/accomplished that has had an impact?

• Why do you feel this individual should be recognized as an Unsung Veterinarian? 


Who may receive the award?

All public practice veterinarians are eligible.

How often is the award given?

The award is given once per year but can be given to as many deserving nominees as the selection panel deems qualified. 


How will the winners be selected?

The NAFV President will appoint a selection panel with the assistance of the EVP.


Where may the applications be obtained and returned?

The NAFV web site, under the members section, has the nomination form. It can be emailed by contacting the NAFV office, Board of Directors member, or NAFV Coordinators.

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